Wednesday, April 12, 2023

How does english gematria work

english gematria is a numerological system that assigns numerical values to words based on their letter correspondences. This system has been used since ancient times to decode hidden messages in texts, and it can also be used to interpret the deeper meanings of words and phrases in the English language.

To understand how English gematria works, we must first look at the numerical values associated with each letter of the alphabet. These numerical values are derived from the Hebrew alphabet, which assigns a number to each letter. For example, A=1, B=2, C=3, and so on. This means that any word or phrase can be interpreted numerically based on its letters' corresponding numbers.

To calculate the numerical value of a word or phrase using English gematria, all you need to do is add together the numbers corresponding to each letter in the word or phrase. For example, if we wanted to calculate the numerical value for "love,"we would add up 1 (for L) + 6 (for O) + 4 (for V) + 5 (for E), which gives us 16.

Once you have calculated the numerical value for a word or phrase using English gematria, it can be interpreted as having deeper meaning or significance beyond its surface definition. For instance, 16 has special symbolic significance in numerology – it is associated with creation as well as strong feelings of love and protection. Therefore a phrase like "love" may be interpreted as having more profound implications than simply affectionate feelings between two people!

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